He walks in, walks past the invisible line, and enters her personal space. Hm...they are together.
She walked in, and we had eye contact. She recognized me. For a second or two, she hesitated, deciding whether or not to come over to say hi or just pass with a simple nodding. We don't really know each other. We wouldn't have much to talk about anyways. Unfortunately, the distance between us was too reachable, it would be impolite to do otherwise. She came over and it was all awkwardness. In two sentences she fled. Left me a little amused, feeling a bit sorry for disrupting her original plan by being here.
I saw her. He had his back to me. It was strange for I shouldn't know her but I do. When he explained it, it was just repeating what I already know. I felt anxious for no reason. How long have they been sitting there, how much can you talk on and on? I felt stupid. I felt lonely. I called and everyone was occupied. I liked the weather but I have no where to go. I want to go away, away from him. I want my time back.
