Neal's roommate has a dog named Tank. He was the most friendly and hyper little creature I have ever seen. Everyone loved him :D. Joey kept torturing him, snatching his little puppet away and teasing him. He would dangle the soggy bear puppet away from Tank, past where I was sitting, and Tank would jump on my lap and his little feet tickled me so much.
Back to the chaucer, Jim and Joey talked about cats; both of them have one at home. Tonight I suddenly remembered how Joey described the appeal of those little fury creatures.
You stare at them. They are so cute~ It just overwhelms you and you don't know what to do with them. Alright, you give them a kiss on their soft pink nose. They'll yarn or turn their head, do their thing, and they are even cuter! And you don't know what to do! You almost want to eat them because nothing you do seems sufficient to show your affection!
Images of cute kitties sprung to my mind and just made me laugh at how accurate his descriptions are. I could totally relate to what he's talking about, and just now that reminded me of how cute my brother was as a baby, you really want to eat his face because he was so adorable.
Besides furry animal talks (;-p), I love Bollywood music, the beats and voice are so joyous and dancy. I got to get some of them for my own sensual pleasure, lol~
