
the distant dreamer

Lately I've been engrossed in the electronica heaven that is Daft Punk.
While searching the lyrics for Something about Us

It might not be the right time
I might not be the right one
But there's something about us I want to say
Cause there's something between us anyway

I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you

I need you more than anything in my life
I want you more than anything in my life
I'll miss you more than anyone in my life
I love you more than anyone in my life

I stumbled upon a comment--the song describe the girl I am currently looking for, he says.
It dawns upon me that, despite the miseries love brings people really want to be in love. Finding THE one, the only. In that split second you will find your place, defined by another person, yet the feeling is so new and complete, you are content in your new identity. Surges of hormone supply the simple happiness so effortlessly. Isn't it the best drug...





He walks in, walks past the invisible line, and enters her personal space. Hm...they are together.

She walked in, and we had eye contact. She recognized me. For a second or two, she hesitated, deciding whether or not to come over to say hi or just pass with a simple nodding. We don't really know each other. We wouldn't have much to talk about anyways. Unfortunately, the distance between us was too reachable, it would be impolite to do otherwise. She came over and it was all awkwardness. In two sentences she fled. Left me a little amused, feeling a bit sorry for disrupting her original plan by being here.

I saw her. He had his back to me. It was strange for I shouldn't know her but I do. When he explained it, it was just repeating what I already know. I felt anxious for no reason. How long have they been sitting there, how much can you talk on and on? I felt stupid. I felt lonely. I called and everyone was occupied. I liked the weather but I have no where to go. I want to go away, away from him. I want my time back.



Neal's roommate has a dog named Tank. He was the most friendly and hyper little creature I have ever seen. Everyone loved him :D. Joey kept torturing him, snatching his little puppet away and teasing him. He would dangle the soggy bear puppet away from Tank, past where I was sitting, and Tank would jump on my lap and his little feet tickled me so much.

Back to the chaucer, Jim and Joey talked about cats; both of them have one at home. Tonight I suddenly remembered how Joey described the appeal of those little fury creatures.
You stare at them. They are so cute~ It just overwhelms you and you don't know what to do with them. Alright, you give them a kiss on their soft pink nose. They'll yarn or turn their head, do their thing, and they are even cuter! And you don't know what to do! You almost want to eat them because nothing you do seems sufficient to show your affection!
Images of cute kitties sprung to my mind and just made me laugh at how accurate his descriptions are. I could totally relate to what he's talking about, and just now that reminded me of how cute my brother was as a baby, you really want to eat his face because he was so adorable.

Besides furry animal talks (;-p), I love Bollywood music, the beats and voice are so joyous and dancy. I got to get some of them for my own sensual pleasure, lol~




有些东西理解不了,希望时间可以告诉一切。不知道会不会后悔。现在说也许已经晚了。像上课一样, 失败过一次才能吸取教训, 更明白自己是个什么样的世俗凡人。

结束这低沉的调调,我现在再一次享受了被朋友们爱护关怀或仅仅在身边守候的美好感觉。被惦记着感觉很好 :)考试的时候能够一起痛苦和快乐很开心。从来没有在半夜三更的时候有那么多的人一起陪;从没有在任何考试前的晚上12点出去吃饭聊天一起郁闷。每个友好的小动作都很温馨。当他说还是比较担心我,当他说it's not cool我先走了,当他提出陪我走路,当他说他的地方随时都欢迎我,当他说应该吃顿饭好好聊聊,当他们笑着找过来开玩笑地说想我了,当他说对不起有没有打扰了,当他说要不要尝一口,当他害羞在我面前不愿讲话。。。都是这些小事让我觉得找到了个舒服的位置,归属,在这些人中间feel that I belong.

从PGSA后感觉自我的舒展,这是下一步了,开始慢慢陷入这个泥泽。 Instead of feeling clear, free and hopeful, 现在更像是身不由己。也许到了某一步会觉得完全融入了, 那时候会开心么。好了,现在去见朋友拉~~


Limerence - Let's learn about Love the technical way...


  • a scientific study into the nature of romantic love.
  • it is an involuntarycognitive and emotional state in which a person feels an intense romantic desire for another person, the limerent object.
  • aka "having a crush" on, but unlike a crush, can last months, years or even a lifetime.
  • Characterized by intrusive thinking and pronounced sensitivity to external events that reflect the disposition of the limerent object towards the individual. It can be experienced as intense joy or as extreme despair, depending on whether the feelings are reciprocated.
  • Traditional terms in German or Russian both may be translated to “fallen-in-love-ness”.
ok, search it on Wikipedia for more detailed explanation. I'll just quote some excerpts:

It is not entirely pleasant, and when rejection seems likely the thoughts focus on despair, sometimes to the point of suicide. The pleasantness or unpleasantness of the state seems almost unrelated to the intensity of the reaction. Although the direction of feeling, i.e. happy versus unhappy, shifts rapidly, the intensity of intrusive thinking alters less rapidly, and alters only in response to an accumulation of experiences with the particular limerent object.

Along with the emphasis on positive qualities perceived in the limerent object, and preoccupation with the hope for return of feelings, there is a fear that limerence will be met by the very opposite of reciprocation: rejection. Considerable self-doubt and uncertainty is experienced and it causes pain, but also enhances desire to a certain extent. However in most cases, this is what helps to eventually destroy the limerence if a suitably long period of time has passed without reciprocation - this can stretch up to about six years.

Although it appears that limerence blossoms under some forms of adversity, extreme caution and shyness may prevent a relationship from occurring, even when both parties are interested. This results from a fear of exposing one's undesirable characteristics to the limerent object.

Limerence develops and is sustained when there is a certain balance of hope and uncertainty.The base for limerent hope is not in objective reality but reality as it is perceived. "Little things" are noticed and endlessly analyzed for meaning.

The physiological correlations of limerence are heart palpitations, trembling, pallor, flushing, pupil dilation and general weakness. Awkwardness, stammering, shyness, and confusion predominate at the behavioral level. There is apprehension, nervousness, and anxiety due to terrible worry that any action may bring about disaster. Many of the commonly associated physiological reactions are the result of the limerent fear.




“一个女人爱上一个男人,是一种深深的依恋,而且往往是单向的,并不 顾及男人的响应。这种依恋并非是物质上靠男人穿衣吃饭,而是带幻想性的无缘无故且毫无理由的牵挂。那一天晚上在梦中惊醒,你会莫明其妙地担心他会遇到什么 危险;或许那一天刮起了风,她又会无缘无故地担忧树枝会掉下来砸到他。
男人在追求女 人的时候,其心理成分很复杂,既有感情性质,又有心机性质。很简单,用他的成熟魅力来换取你跟着他,自身条件越好的,越知道用什么样的招式逼你就犯。这里 面是有一点点哄骗的。因此,你再说:“他是这个世界上最爱你的男人”就显得你太肤浅了。





Break free. 心灵的自由。
离开,好。space, 好。不见面,好。不说话。不沟通。只有满脑子的胡话瞎想。


May the Universal Almighty help us both

3 something in the morning really is not a good time to contemplate my personal worth. I thought i was on a leveled plane. Everything was laid out and each one of us is even handed. And i just realize, how light and ignorant i am. What fool i have been, truly. All his writings showed traces in his conversation, what a fool I am to ignore them, giving light laughs and silence; short of satisfaction, even i can tell. Everything i thought as meaningful and progressive was probably leading me to a more slippery hill. I feel unsure, uncertain, insecure. Being an active pursuer since a long time, i am understanding and deciphering more and more codes of the other side; now i am one of them. The page is black tiled. The words solemn, but eloquent. They struck me at first, sharply reflecting my awkwardness in a one-man band. Then the emotions, rantings, frank confessions and discussions engulfed me. It pains me, to watch, to recognize, to realize my lateness in arrival. The scene is crowed, the plate is already too full. Where am I, where am I amidst the chaos, when I am so uncertain and of a mess myself. Insomnia. chivalry. Whatever. I am trying to figure out a puzzle that is hidden so far and deep from me. Time is running out. I feel like Alice following the rabbit in the damn hole, wandering in confusion as the watch clock ticks away. Feist's songs all make sense now, perfect sense, like truth ringing in the night.
I think i still have hope within my conscious. I know when i see him everything will go into the uncontrollable zone, spinning off in its own course. I will have this knowledge, from tonight and on, deep behind my mind, making me question and hurting me whenever i think about it. How i resent this uncertainty yet i tie my last hope and maybe happiness on to this thread. I need some help from him. I ended up on this path, will you come out and guide me, to walk on it or migrate to another. Right now i only wish i can freeze the unrest, unsettling vibe. Although you do not believe, yet, may the universal Almighty help us both.


Tribute to all my Berries

"Easy To Luv You" by Stacie Orrico
(re-edited lyrics)

Feelin good

I'm so bad at this, I really am

Feel love when i look into your eyes
I get butterflies
Almost everytime
(there will always be those butterflies)

I wish you could be here all the time
Ohh, cause baby you belong at my side

what more can I say
I'm always thinkin of you
You make it so easy to love you

It's never too hard to
Revolve my world around you

Every moment we spend
I don‘t want it to end
Let it start over again
again and again
Say, love
With you I feel at ease
Things that seemed important don't seem that important

Boy you know i hate when you leave
Oh won't you please just stay here with me

he made me laugh a lot, and
So i thought ...


他说喜欢的酒是 一百proof的Southern comfort。 不是76,100。

: )






"There's three sure things in the world, the sun, the moon, and the truth."







= =

why - everything - sweet.
s m thi g miserable. pai ful. d rk. pung nt. hate ul.
how about bl od. v olence. dest uction.
f rce. stre gth. de pair. pen tration. oc upation. d mnation.

torn it apart. step on it. or just ignore it. cruel cruelty.








上一篇还真的瞒无厘头的,看看就好 = =


他稍稍一低头就碰到了她的头发。耳边的唏嗦让她心跳加快。看到的世界都是粉红的,她好喜欢,嘴咧开笑地开心得毫无保留。Carpe Diem baby~ lol (;-b)

终于下雪了。她跑出来滚倒在一片白中,张开嘴让雪花在舌尖上慢慢融化,丝丝凉意,她笑了。眼睛睁得大大得看着大片的透明的雪花温柔的飘下,浪漫的像是在他心爱的snow globe里面。胸脯缓缓起伏,让透心的纯净的空气深深地填充着身体里每个空隙。慢慢地闭上眼睛,她嘴角眉边不自觉的弯了去,睫毛微微颤抖着。那么轻柔的吻啊, 天使般,落在她的光洁的额头,脸颊,抚慰着她透凉的心。必是他的化身吧。

Fiction 我的童话







- 色×戒

tongue piercing

Tongue piercing is special, so I've heard, for lesbians.







Incomplete. I want my other piece back. The lost puzzle piece.



this semester is not a good one from several aspects. 不过我成长了。似乎伸展开了,更自己了。

完全透明直率也是不可能的吧。越长大越复杂,似乎突然领略到了 ‘君子之交淡若水’ 的深刻。


Nov. 15, 2007 阴,有点风,凉凉的。和他走在一起我不在意。也许身体发着抖,但风从来没有刮到心里。满足的感觉。Everything seems to fall in to place. It's right, just right. And I don't want any more or less. 每个时刻,完整。

不是我想象的轰轰烈烈。喜欢的那么理所当然。也许是他的亮亮的大眼睛,淡淡的幽默,或是恰到好处的微笑。啊 也许是他一笔一划公正的抄写。。。也许是他的执着。。。我不知道我要的是什么,不过他的存在很舒服,让我安心,让我看到他就不自主的想笑。Such combination of tenderness and joy, i never seem to experienced it before.








was filled with joy
full of poetry
melancholy my love
how near you are
woe, pretentious little me






一瞬间 就可以达到全心的喜悦吗




快了 快了



满满的 把脑袋里的杂想挤掉



Please go and vote for the new world Seven Wonders

China, as we all expected, has Great Wall on the list. I think so far it is not on the top 7, YET. So let's make this happen! Please tell your friends as well~ http://www.new7wonders.com/


哈哈哈哈 ! 笑死我了

今天看到超强的地铁帖 !!!强烈推荐。各个特色强烈啊,还有独特的地铁人物呢,类“烧伤二人组”讨钱的 和 非常彪悍的迷宫似的出口入口。。。

汗,真是馋啊,貌似更小的时候跟着一人的糖走差点认他人为父母啊。。。寒 = =||||



哦,点开看大图。我画的是最右边的一个~看得出来吧,大嘴怪 :b


oh parents

Before the school ended, Grace asked me if I wanted to get an apartment with her next semester. She specifically complained about the issues with her parents, how they liked to get involved, nagging all the time. At the time, living in the dorms, I didn't realize how bad it is of course, since daddy and mommy were really quite tolerate regarding my somewhat lazy and spoiled behavior when I was home about 1 day a week. Oh dear, how much this have changed... Long sentence short, about the third week into summer vacation, I'm quite aware how we get onto each other's nerves at times... anyways, I thought I might go living with cherryC. and CoCoB. although I don't know if p+m would let me even if I could afford the rent myself. But it's a must, isn't it, when the bird grow its own feathers and strong enough, at least able to try, to fly.

cheeryC takes her flight today, haha, literally. She's on a plane right this moment perhaps and will arrive shanghai soon. Wonder how long will I be able to go back...

End of this depressing tone, here I recommand an interesting website, a good way to spend your free time and see something fascinating: Hao Hao Report


涂鸦 May 14

Shiina Ringo - La Salle de Bain


Shiina Ringo - Ichijiku No Hana (PV)


There's something haunting in her voice. Mesmerizing.

I listened to this song over and over. Strangely soothing, almost like a lullaby.

椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo) - 闇に降る雨 (Yami ni furu ame)

I've heard of Shiina Ringo for a long time, although I've never taken interest in her songs. This evening I stumbled upon her song on youtube and fell in love :)

I like this song particularly with its 绵软醇滑的大提琴的声音. Love the eccentric mixture of classic, rock, and a little electric vibe.


Essay 4 - War Bride

好,这次决定传上我在freshman必要的作文课上写的最后一个一篇文章。命题是来诠释一幅在Carnegie Museum of Art 的画。我选的是下面这幅,War Bride, 然后写了一篇文章,如下。不过,我希望大家在看文章之前,先好好看看这幅画和她的名字,想想你自己的意见,这样会比较客观得来看我的文章吧。。。

好!上文章。。。。(没带标题,因为是自己瞎取的,没多大意思 : p)

Looking back at human history, war seems to be a universal subject across space and time. The story of violence aimed for conquering never change in history although the war has brought more and more severe consequences upon the world over time. As technology advances, even war has been made mechanized and stripped away the human characteristics. From the stones and tree branches in the close bodily fight between the cavemen and sword fighting on horses around the Middle Ages, to the contemporary warfare, where canons and bombs can be dropped on the enemies without being in contact with victims or seeing their faces, the main purpose of the war shifts from resolving personal conflicts to ambitious conquest that could sink a whole nation. A fight or a war that is used to show courage and strength of the hot-blooded youth, has became a cold and calculated enterprise that, instead, toys with the passion of young soldiers. Clarence Holbrook Carter, an artist lived through the World War II, painted “War Bride” in 1940, about the start of the WWII, to stimulate the audiences to rethink what modern war represents and what intimate influence it has on the society. The painting was inspired by his dream one night, of a steel mill working in full blast, and the marriage trend he saw at the time, when his young female art students were getting married before the boys drafted in the war. In the painting, the super natural combination of the giant black machines of steel mill and the frail virgin bride invokes both fear and anticipation: fearing the possibility that the machine would crush the bride while wondering if the union of human flesh with machine is feasible. Utilizing various symbolisms of the semi-abstract object in the painting, Carter’s disturbing image persuades the audience to see the truth of war, the sinister and overwhelming power that slowly strips away the humanity by feeding on the whole society for its continuation.

“War Bride” with the WWII context, which was when the painting was painted, suggests the machine’s representation as the firearms of war. The red back drop behind the machinery could be seen as blood. Although the destruction of war has always been associated with the death of the victims, Carter, by positioning the machine of war at the end of the aisle that is usually reserved for the groom, stimulate the viewers to see that war’s first victim is its contributor, such as the soldiers, rather than its legitimate enemies. The presence of the machine at the end can be seen as the substitution of the groom, or can be merely taken as to show the groom’s absence.

If the machine is interpreted as to substitute the groom, the machine could be expanded to symbolize the militaristic human weapons of war. The groom of the war bride, the soldier, is trained by the war to disregard any sympathy and humanity felt for the enemies in order to follow the commands and execute missions. As the machines are programmed, not spontaneous or emotional, the soldiers going through war also develop a machine-like obedience with numbed feelings to cope with the war. The soldiers assimilate and transform toward the image of the machine. Their emotions, innocents, and maybe optimisms and even sanities are bled out of them from the scars of war, as the machine in the picture, solemn and black, glows the cold and indifferent white hue while the passionate red dissipates behind it.

If the interpretation of the mechanized groom shows the destruction of war on the soldiers, then the belief that the groom is absent in the scene, represent the damage of war on the soldier’s family as the ceremony of holy union in marriage turns into a ritual of sacrifice. If the read background is seen as the blood of soldiers dead on the battle field, the bride is already a widow, which mirrors the real concerns of the WWII war brides who must bear the high possibilities that they will become a widow shortly after marriage. Along the isle, the presence of families and friends in the traditional weddings are substituted by rolls and rolls of steel. The black overtones and reflective surface of the machines overwhelms the picture, building a solemn and saddening atmosphere, as if to hint the hard truth of war that its damage spread across the society, that the rolls might be coffins, hosting the bodies of sacrificed husband and devoted families members and friends who fall under the control of the demanding war, or containing the hopes and happiness of marriage now repressed by war and dead. In a way, the war destroyed the social connections and unity as well as the individuals. The supposedly holy union of two individual as well as the symbolized union of their families and social circles are cut short as the procession turns into a burial ceremony for many, by war.

Carter wants to show the monstrous characteristics of war, as the machines, in drastic contrast with the innocence and fragility of the lone virgin bride to warn the viewers of the dangerous nature of war, especially to warn the innocents who are not aware of their distributions to the war. In order to empathize the contrast, Carter used layers of black and red to color the machines and background while painted the bride in white gown; the violent and heavy tone of red and black dominates over the light and peaceful white. Carter molded the machines with thick stacking of oil paints and straight ordered lines while used a totally different technique with light layer and small brush to give the bride a smooth texture of soft and flowing femininity. Although the bride seems to have a glow about her in her white gown and veil, the fate, for her and for other war brides, are not bright, and is illustrated by the machines’ dominance over the bride in the painting, both in mass and color. For the war brides, whether their military husbands return physically safe or not, they will need to compensate the part of duty and support of the family that is missing from their husbands, who would be inevitability scarred spiritually by the brutality of war. Nevertheless, girls go into marriages as war brides despite the sacrifices they know they will make sooner or later. What they ignored is that their willingness to sacrifice is indirectly guilty of aiding the war. Get married and form a family is one critical event in one’s life, and the act of marriage satisfies the young soldier’s passion by having a life-long lover and also fulfills his longing to own a family. Marriage would seem to appease any regrets or discontents a youth might have that would set him back on his decision to go to war; the selfless act of girls would further encourage and motivate the soldiers to engage in the war without reserve. Marriage also leads to a reasonable possibility to bear offspring, in particular, to give birth to male babies. Thus, the war brides accelerate and strengthen the power of war by sending their husbands on the frontline while reproducing more fresh blood to further the continuation of war. In a way, it forms a union between humanity and war: the humanity supplies the fresh rage and blood, repeating the process of destruction again and again in history; reminiscent of the continuous and infinite rolls of steel in the painting, rolling along the conveyor belt to the humongous machine at the end of the isle for sacrifice. Carter, by drawing a still draped veil on the bride’s head, was attempting to warn the brides of the danger in their impulsive and innocent decisions. Veil, symbolically, can function to cover up the reality. Usually in the wedding, the groom would lift off the veil and the bride would see a clear view of her future husband and accept the reality and responsibilities associated with the marriage. The bride in the painting, however, still has the veil draping down over her head, implies that her vision has not been opened to reality and that her decision to marry is dominated mainly by idealisms, of the honor with sacrifice, for example. Carter decorates the veil with a head piece made of small white flowers, further accentuates the bride’s innocence in making the naive decision, and again points out how this innocence could be easily crushed by the reality of the war by comparing the frail flower with the massive machines.

While the symbolisms embedded in any kind of machines with any view of the bride would have successfully delivered Carter’s warning message, Carter purposefully chose the minimum but representative element and angle for his work, such as the plain steel rolls and the turning bride, which in fact maximizes the effectiveness of his messages. The steel rolls and the machine parts in the painting are big, plain and with no details, which exhibit no particular functions that could connect the machines with a specific usage while showing all the qualities of machine: the cold hard substance of metal, ordered reproductively of the machines, superior strength and persistence, and etc. The simplicity of the machines helps the viewer to draw connections to broader themes and ideas than just steel mills, such as to war. Besides the machines, Carter only draw one human being in the whole painting, the bride, who faces the aisle with back turned to the viewer, shows no face. The bride, with no unique characteristics that would identify her as a particular individual, can be viewed as the representation of millions of other war brides. By drawing the bride facing forward, Carter also constructed a unique perspective by which the audience looking at the painting would feel as if he is standing right behind the bride and is following her down the receding path. Carter, thus, encourages the viewer to stand in the same position as the bride, not only sharing the bride’s view of the machine ahead, also draws the viewer deep into the subject of the painting to envision the future and hardship awaiting the war brides as if in their shoes. In addition, since the location right behind the bride is usually reserved for the bride’s father or her very close friend to walk her down the aisle, the viewer standing at this intimate position is able to further extend the perspective to visualize the influences the war would have on the war bride’s family, friends, and society in general.

If Clarence Carter painted “War Bride” (1940) with an intention to show the reality of the war and war-time marriage to his art students, he succeeded, and his “War Bride”, in its simple form with no indications of particular time period, would continue to educate and influence its audience, not only about war, maybe even about the industrialized modern world as well.

【Fin】; D

babe is enjoying her stressfree life~~~~~~~~wee~~~

厚厚厚~~~没压力的生活真享受啊~~~~~如果刺激到某些还没放假正要考试的人,请自动过滤上句话 XD ~~~

上个流水帐,因为没压力的脑袋不想费力整理思绪 ^v^
  • shuBabe (>v<, 我) is happy with her grade~ straight A~ woohooo~ 虽然整个GPA不理想,现在起码让我增加了信心!这个暑假也要拿全A, (要说的超high,参考逸群的发音 XD)
  • 今天和zomberry去southside 逛街, 到goodwill帮她捐了东西,还等了半小时车。等车的时候狂无聊,那位小姐又不肯到附近的店去看看,只好在方圆五尺地走方步,脚好疼啊,肚子还饿,干瞪着对面bar的酒啊,被食品味道诱惑着。。。。。。 【哦,还拿了两双鞋帮她在中国的时候穿松,一个kenzie一个prada的。。。晕吧,然后想起scrubs 里面,那个护士让她丈夫穿她新的高跟鞋,她穿的时候就不挤脚了,呵呵。穿高跟鞋其实挺好玩的也很累的,起水泡无数,已近不在意啦~】
  • 在星期天和'牧神'到waterfront去玩~找到一39分贺卡店,嗲~推荐!价钱比hallmark啊什么的便宜多了而且卡的质量也不错!给momy的节日买了两张卡,一张是自己送的,一张是全家人的。
  • 想夏天到了也放假了,正是学车的好时候。原来老爸总是埋怨我学车没积极性,现在没话讲了吧~没想到。。。老爸马上回绝。。。说新车前3000 mile 是磨合期,不能开太快太慢,怕我开的乱七八糟。。。=_ = 什么类,不相信我。不过我也怕开新车,决定磨叽两下老爸,还不行就等个1月啦
  • 今天座电车碰到高中和大学的同学Jake,聊了一下,路上过的快多了~他 (!)满头的金色长发(!)真野性啊。。。佩服
  • 做电车到原来mt.lebanon,看到熟悉的街景,都是高中时的回忆啊~有一点点失落,特殊的朋友们,包括我已经不住在那里了。 现在新家附近的小学playground像是原来的迷你version,秋千也是,昨天看到后觉得超不尽兴~ 真碰巧,今天就有机会跑到playground荡秋千,荡得好高,宝刀未老 :)
  • 啊,差点忘了,收到“午后的牧神”从中国发过来的短信问候~估计已经回过神了吧,jet lag严不严重啊?

